A (puppy) face only a mother could love?

I'm probably (ok, definitely) biased, but I have a hard time with the concept that not everyone thinks Einstein is one of the cutest dogs they've ever seen. I guess it's probably because every time I meet someone new, he always seems to win them over (even my husband's grandfather, who was afraid of little dogs - until he met Einstein). This was definitely not the case recently, when my boss had someone redoing the brick work on their house. I took the dogs out for a quick walk, minding my own business, and one of the men said to me, "That's a weird looking dog" and gestured to Einstein. I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just looked at him in horror (and I'm sure my mouth was hanging open in shock as I tried to comprehend this strange idea) and he walked away. I thought my reaction was enough to get him to drop the subject completely, but no - the same comment came out of his mouth the next day. Poor Einstein just looked up at him in confusion, and I'm pretty sure a lone tear fell out of his big brown eyes. (Ok, now I'm just being dramatic...)

I know he may not have the typical long hair and bow that you think of when you hear Yorkie, but how can anyone say Einstein is anything but adorable? Just look at that face....


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and don't forget that my anniversary special ends on Monday, September 20th so if you're thinking of getting photos taken this fall - you should definitely consider taking advantage of the discount! Click here for more information.


KP said...

Ok, I don't know what that man was talking about. I'm not a dog person and I think Einstein is freaking adorable. Have a lovely weekend!

Jen Madigan Photography said...

^Haha, I still can't understand it! Hope you have a great weekend as well!