The H Family

A couple of weeks ago I traveled home to take some family photos for my aunt and uncle. Their oldest daughter, Nicole (in the green dress - you may remember her from her engagement photos HERE) is getting married over Labor Day weekend and they wanted to get some photos with their girls before they gain a new family member. We met up at Dolliver Park near Fort Dodge on a humid, bug filled evening. Although the mosquitos were biting like crazy, we were still able to get some great photos. Don't you just love the color scheme they chose? I do - it matches my blog colors!! Here's the sneak peek, I hope you like it!


I adore these photos of Nicole and Morgan, aren't they gorgeous?



We managed to get a smile out of my uncle - I love this photo!







And of course, it's not a family session without including their sweet pup Norah!

Anniversary Special!

As I mentioned in the previous post, the one year anniversary of Jen Madigan Photography is quickly approaching. In celebration, and as a way to say thank you to all of those who have supported me, I have decided to offer a special for a limited time.

From now until September 20th, every session booked will receive your choice of either:

1) a FREE 5x5 suede hardcover photo book with 20 images (your choice) from your session ($60 value) PLUS 10% off all prints


2) 20% off your session fee + 10% off all prints

Please note: This special may not be applied to previous sessions, or sessions booked prior to the date of this post. The session does not have to take place before September 20th, but must be booked on or before that date.

If you're interested in booking, you can either email me at or click on the contact button at the top of this page. You can also check my availability HERE. If you do use the contact button, please be sure to add to your email list or check your spam filter so it doesn't get lost in your inbox!

I look forward to hearing from you and to another great year!


Goal #8 Complete!

Some of you may remember my list of 101 in 1001, where I made a list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. As I just had my birthday yesterday, I sat down to take a look at the list and see how much I've gotten done so far. A few of the items I no longer have an interest in doing, but I was happy that I could cross two more things off my list. The first was #6 - "Have a fabulous 30th birthday" and although we kept it pretty simple (dinner with family and friends + a trip to the casino the night before and lunch at my favorite place the next day), I had a great time. Here's a couple photos I took while Chester (who belongs to the family I nanny for) stayed with us for a week. I think Einstein liked having a friend around!


chester2 copy

Oh, and believe it or not - my 1 year anniversary of starting Jen Madigan Photography is coming up so expect a new special to be announced on the blog very soon!!