Just a small update...

Things have been a little slow around the blog recently, and I wanted to take a minute to apologize for that. I kind of took a step back from photography this summer, mainly because we had so many personal obligations and things going on that I really couldn't devote much time to taking photos. I did have a couple great sessions though, and want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I have a busy fall schedule ahead with lots of photography opportunities that I'm super excited about and I hope you'll keep checking back to see what I'm up to. On the agenda: second shooting a wedding with the amazing and super sweet Emily Crall, a 1 year session + birthday party with the adorable Myelle, a couple weddings, and a newborn session for Chelsea and Richard's little one once she arrives. I'm looking forward to all I have scheduled, and it will be great to see some familiar faces.

Just to give you a little peek at what we've been up to - here are a couple house photos. We moved in on July 22nd and have been busy bees trying to get everything set up just the way we want it (we have a ways to go, but it's a start!). As you can see, Einstein has a place of honor in the living room...would you expect anything less?


Hope everyone's having a great Monday!

Einstein is 7!

Einstein's birthday was on August 10th, and since he's now 7 years old, I decided to get him a little treat to celebrate. A friend of ours got her dog a "pup-sicle" from Woofables in Coralville and I thought it was a great idea, so I picked one up for Einstein and his doggie friend Chester.

He wasn't very pleased with the cold treat at first, spending several minutes eyeing it warily.

Then he thought he should probably play with it a little, to make sure it was dead.

Finally he decided it was ok to eat, and pretty tasty at that.


The P Family: Charlie and Mallory

I've been a nanny since I was 20, but I also worked for a short time as an associate at a preschool. I have to say, some of my fondest work memories are from that time, as I always came home with an interesting story to share. There's something about that preschool (and younger) age group that is so refreshing. I love how honest those kids are, and how they are 100% themselves without a hint of self consciousness. I think that's why children are so much fun to photograph, they aren't afraid to be their genuine selves. Charlie and Mallory were no exception (after warming up to me of course), and I had the most fantastic session with them this past Sunday.

I arrived at the P family's beautiful home and after taking a few family photos, I challenged the kids to a race across the yard (they won of course) and spent the rest of the session hanging out with Charlie and Mallory. We had a grand time, chatting about what is best on a cheeseburger (Charlie said mustard, Mallory is more of a ketchup girl), playing ring around the rosie, and just being goofy. My favorite thing about these two is how they seem to not only be brother and sister, but also great friends. I hope that doesn't change.

Michele and Jim, thank you for the opportunity to photograph your beautiful family. I had a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy the preview.




I think these two are my favorite pics of the day, so cute!!




I asked Mallory to twirl in her dress, which is truly one of the best parts of being a girl!


Charlie on the other hand, was all boy, showing me his goofy side.






How I spent my July

As I mentioned in a previous post, July was a bit of a whirlwind with traveling, packing up the old house, and moving into the new one. Josh and I spent the 4th of July weekend with family, my aunt held a seafood boil at her home on Saturday and we all got together again at my parents' house for a BBQ the following day. I took a few pictures to document the occasions - some yummy food, my cousin Drew who recently lost a front tooth, and of course...Einstein looking adorable.




The day after the 4th, we boarded an airplane for New York City. I hadn't been there in about 10 years so I was looking forward to our trip. We spent the (sweltering) days wandering the city - trying out all the fabulous food, shopping (of course), and catching a Broadway play. The plan for the week also included a photo session, but was cancelled due to the threat of rain. Fortunately that meant more time to hang out with my friend Steph and her husband Dan (the photo session subjects) which included dinner in Times Square and a gorgeous view from the rotating lounge atop the Marriott Marquis (also in Times Square). The trip concluded with a sailboat ride around the Statue of Liberty and back, a relaxing way to end the vacation. While on the trip I also got to cross off a few things on my 101 in 1001 list (specifically #'s 27, 28, and 100).




