This is only a test...

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I have my first indoor shoot today so of course I had to practice the set up on my favorite subject, Einstein! He was a little scared of the bamboo rug, so I had him sit in his old bed (although he didn't like that much either). I finally got a good shot when I asked him if he wanted a treat!

The S Family

The weekend after Thanksgiving I took some photos for my aunt and her family. It was good practice for me to have three kids (age 6 and twins, age 4) to wrangle, and they got some great photos out of the deal! Check out this gorgeous family...


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*You can see a couple more by clicking HERE.*

Jessica, Andrew, and Daniel

Today I had the pleasure of taking photos for some of my favorite people in the world. Although I'm getting ready to head out of town, I had to take a look at them before I left and couldn't resist editing a couple for the blog. I hope you guys like them - I know most people will like the first one, but the second is actually my favorite. :)

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