Moving forward in 2015 [Personal]


Every year, I sit down and write out goals that I have for myself both personally and professionally throughout the coming months. Sometimes it's specific things I want to achieve, sometimes it's an overall feeling I want my year to have, or ways in which I want to grow as a person as well as a photographer. This year I've decided it's about being fearless. Being afraid is part of life - fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough. Fear of losing the things I've worked so hard for, or the people I care most about. It's something I let in my head more often than I should, and though I know I can't get rid of it completely - I'm going to do my best to take the steps to live fearlessly this year.

Part of this, I've decided - is sharing my hopes and dreams out here in the open. So, lovely readers, here goes nothing...

I want to feel free. Free from that little voice in my head that really isn't the nicest person on earth. To follow my intuition, and listen to my heart.

I want to travel. Destination wedding anyone? Hook me up. I want to experience things away from the comfort of my bubble here in Iowa City.

I want to teach...a workshop maybe. I love helping other people embrace their passion and find their voice. It motivates me, and inspires me. Helping someone peel back the layers of themselves and encouraging them to live from their heart makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Stop filling my life with stuff and work and instead make more time to focus on family and friends. Because in the end, that's all that really matters.

Be true to who I am, as a person, but most importantly as an artist. Take photo assignments that inspire and energize me, and cultivate a life that makes me feel good on the inside not just one that looks good to everyone else.

Don't be afraid. I want to slam the door on fear this year, and like Nike says - just do it. ;)

And finally, this year I want to feel content. Grateful. Hopeful. Loved. Inspired. Happy.

Here's to an an amazing, fearless 2015. Hope you all will be a part of it.

Behind the Scenes: 2014

This year, after starting my business instagram (follow me HERE), I thought it would be fun to start taking some behind the scenes pics at weddings and sessions. Along with some incredibly unflattering images (which I happily deleted...or at least have decided I'm not showcasing here!!), there was an amazing collection that shows how much fun we have at weddings and sessions, how much my clients mean to me, and last but certainly not least - apparently I am quite the contortionist when it comes to shooting positions. Weird, yet oddly comfortable. Half the time I don't even realize it. There are also a few of Josh and Coelle at work in here too! :) Anyways, I got a good laugh when I went through them, hopefully you will too!!

Considering making a large fan part of my summer wedding contracts... ;)
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When viewing the photographer in their natural habitat, proceed with caution... behindthescenes-ac-1

Getting a back rub on the job...ahh, the perks! klwedding-behindthescenes-1


Embarrassing my niece Lilly... behindthesecenes-1

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Porter: 6 Months [Iowa City, IA Family and Child Photography]

This little guy is just the cutest thing ever, am I right?! He is so happy and has the best smile, courtesy of silly antics from mom, dad, and Coelle behind the scenes. ;) We took these out at Barnes Tree Farm and it was the perfect setting for his wintery 6 month photos. Six months really is my favorite time to photograph little ones, they are so happy and you get some great laughs and smiles at this age. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek!




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