To My Mother...

"Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy." - Danielle Steel

Hopefully my mom won't totally kill me for putting these on here! :)

When I was a little girl, I remember thinking my mom was the best. She was smart, funny, and I loved spending time with her. Once I got older, the teenage version of me didn't think my mom was so cool, and of COURSE I thought knew much more than she ever could. At some point in my early twenties, I wised up and realized that my mom was right, about almost everything. How could I ever have thought otherwise? I guess all teenage girls do at some point.

Now that I'm older and wiser, my mom is one of the greatest women I know. She's creative, opinionated, and always has great advice to dispense whenever I need her opinion. She's built her own business and is a huge inspiration (and support) to me. I can't imagine life without my mom - so I just wanted to take a minute to wish her a very happy Mother's Day. I love you Mom!

Last two photos are credited to the always fabulous Mindy Myers.


Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful thing to say about your mom. She is a wonderful person and so are you!

Jen Madigan Photography said...

<3 Thanks! :)