After dinner my little brother Sam busted out the Curious George game (and I got some wonderful blackmail photos of two of my sisters wearing a panda and a pig mask).
There are no grandkids yet, but there are 3 grandpuppies (my parents are SO proud, haha). My sister Abby's dog Rudy was surprisingly calm, and of course I had to capture Einstein's Santa's Little Helper shirt. Sam wanted in on the action too, as you can see...
After the guys got sick of dominating Sam's "Whack-a-mole" game (I so wish I had photos of that!), they decided to play a few hands of poker.
Apparently my brother in law (in the foreground of the photo below) was the big winner of the night, although I'm not sure exactly how much he walked away with in the end (probably not a lot).
After the excitement of game night, Sam had a little quiet time with my sister and my dad...