Life Via Instagram: March 2012

I love Instagram, although I currently don't have an iPhone so I just have to use my iPod. No worries, an iPhone is on my list of things to acquire this year. :)

Here's my life via Instagram in March, 2012. It's clear three very important things in my life are Einstein, food, and the beautiful sunsets we get to see every night out our back window. Enjoy!

(Starting with the large photo and moving clockwise: Einstein doing his neighborhood watch thing (there's a giant dog in that little body, I promise you!), Einstein at the vet asking "can't we just leave and pretend this never happened?", and Einstein sunbathing on the deck during Spring Break.

(Starting in upper left corner: Banana "ice cream" - love ice cream but watching your figure? Freeze some peeled bananas, throw them in the food processor. It will make a scary noise, but it won't break. Add a little almond milk or soy milk, keep processing until the consistency resembles soft serve ice cream. Delicious!, Frozen coffee from Corridor - my fave!, Cadbury Eggs - can anyone resist these?, and Izze - delicious fruit juice + sparkling water, great if you're trying to give up or eliminate soda.

I love where we live! These sunsets are amazing.

And just a random photo of the tulips I bought, but they died. :( I have a seriously black thumb.

Featured: Forever Handmade + Avery and Savannah

A week or so ago, my adorable neighbors/models Avery and Savannah came down for a photo session featuring headbands from the lovely Andrea at Forever Handmade (visit her site HERE - I am super excited about the crowns she's offering now!). She makes a ton of newborn headbands, blankets, etc but also makes beautiful headbands for older girls as well. Here are some of my favorite shots - huge thanks to Avery and Savannah for modeling, and for their moms for taking some time out of their Saturday! Also thanks to Andrea for providing the headbands! :)

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Featured: Itsy Bitsy Boutique [North Liberty, IA Children's Boutique]

Some of you have already seen my announcement on Facebook, but I am so thrilled to share that 6 of my children's portraits (ok, one of them is just of Einstein but he's kind of like a kid - at least to me!) are on display at a new children's boutique in North Liberty called Itsy Bitsy Boutique! It's located in the North Liberty Plaza (next to Cinnamon Sun and in the same plaza as Revisit) and if you have little ones, or need to buy a great baby gift, you MUST check it out. It's incredibly cute, as you can see from the photos below, and Kelly & Nic are so, so kind. They have a ton of locally made items, but also do children's consignment - so if you have children's clothing in great condition you should stop by and consign with them! All of the details can be found on the Itsy Bitsy Boutique website HERE.

Be sure to also check them out on Facebook, Twitter, and visit Kelly's blog.


When you first walk in, you might be greeted by Nic and Kelly's dog Wrigley. He's such a sweetie, just look at that face...

I was in the shop on Saturday to take these photos and Kelly had some of these candles burning. The store smelled AMAZING. In fact, I am going back this week to buy one of the lilac ones so my house can smell just as good. :)










I just love these little onesies!!




