Judith, Kimiko, and Akimi

Judith is a dear friend of mine, and has been since we met about 8 years ago. She is a speech pathologist that I know because of Dan, whom I've been working with for so long he's more like my brother than anything else. Judith is an important part of my life, so when she asked me to take some photos of her and her friends that were visiting from Japan, I jumped at the chance.

Judith has known Kimiko and Akimi since the early 1970's when they lived in Iowa City while their spouses worked at the University and they've remained friends over the years despite the miles between them. It was a pleasure to meet Judith's friends when we got together for a quick afternoon session, and I hope they had a very safe flight back to Japan!

Akimi is on the left, Judith is in the middle, and Kimiko is on the right. I just love the way the sun is peeking through the gorgeous fall leaves!



The E Family

I met Laina, Matt, and their (almost 3 year old) son Jack at the Pentacrest this past Sunday afternoon where we were able to get some family photos as well as a few individual of Jack. I didn't have much of a chance to chat with Laina and Matt to find out more about them, as Jack (who has a fantastic smile, an infectious laugh, and a big personality!) kept us all on our toes for the majority of the session!

Laina and Matt - it was great meeting you and I hope you like this sneak peek!








One thing I love about photography is meeting all kinds of cool and interesting people. Cassi is a theater major at the University of Iowa and contacted me about taking some headshots as she will be graduating this spring. I had such a great time photographing her early on Sunday morning and hearing about her future ambitions (she'd love to live in NYC and do theater someday) and her plans after graduation (applying for the Disney program or heading to the Twin Cities to do theater).

I really wanted to get a sneak preview up ASAP for Cassi so she could see what a great job she did yesterday, so here a few of my favorites so far.





Chelsea and Richard

Chelsea and Richard got married on one of the most beautiful fall days I think I've ever seen, although admittedly the temperature felt a bit more like late August (at least there wasn't any humidity!).

Surrounded by their family and friends, Chelsea and Richard exchanged vows and rings and sealed it all with a kiss.

The day ended with a great party, full of toasts, tears, laughter, and dancing. I must say, Richard is quite the dancer, dipping everyone from his mother in law to his new wife!

Chelsea and Richard - Congratulations! I wish you all the best now and in the future.

While I wish I could include all of my favorites on the blog, I don't want to crash anyone's computer! You can, however, click HERE to see their slideshow (seriously, don't miss this!!), which includes all of the photos below and several more to round out the story of the day!


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Their first look was so sweet, I love the way Richard is smiling at Chelsea in this photo (taken by Josh).

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The flowers (which were done by Hy-Vee) were so pretty! I loved the fall colors.
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Richard's favorite color is orange, and he loved showing off his bright socks!
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Chelsea's flower girl was her niece, and honestly I don't think she could be any cuter! Just look at that sweet face.
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I love this moment between sisters as Chelsea waits downstairs for the ceremony to begin.
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The church was so beautiful, I love all of the art on the walls at the front.
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Vendor Info:

Bride's Dress: Simply "I Do" in Cedar Falls (ask for Susan)
Bridesmaid's Dresses: Bride's Corner in Waterloo
Flowers: Hyvee in Waterloo on Logan Avenue (ask for Deb)
Reception Venue: Brick City Bar and Grill
Cake: Kathy's Kakes, LLC
DJ: BenJammin' Productions

There's a first time for everything...

When I was growing up I was in 4-H, and my mom insisted that my sister and I show cattle in the local fair like she did at our age. I picked out both a steer and a heifer (boy and girl cows for those who aren't "in the know") from my grandparent's herd and then stayed at their farm for a few weeks, walking the calves up and down the gravel driveway and spending time with them to build trust. By the time we made it to the fair at the end of July, I was ready...nervous, but ready.

The day of the show, we woke up to pouring rain which pounded on the metal roof of the building as we waited to go in the ring, scaring the calves (and all of the other animals in the building) and making them as jittery as they were the day I first chose them. I'm sure they sensed my nervous energy, which didn't help - but their anxiousness also seemed to infiltrate every ounce of my being, making it even worse. As the gate swung open so we could enter, I turned to my grandpa (who had been holding the calf's lead while we waited) and my mom and said "I can't do this!!" with what I'm sure could only be described as wild panic in my eyes. He handed me the rope and my mom said firmly, "You have to!". I'm not sure if anyone gave me a gentle push through the open gate or not, but the next thing I knew it was over and I had done it! Once I got that oh so scary "first" out of the way, it got easier and easier the next time I had to do it (although the nerves were always there, they seemed a little less intense).

Sometimes it takes someone you love to push you to do the things you are afraid to do and have faith when yours is wavering, like my mother back on that rainy day. I'm not going to lie, I woke up today excited but completely full of nerves. I'll even admit that there was a moment as we packed the car to leave when I wanted to look at Josh and say "I can't do this!!" but I knew that if I did he would just say "You have to!".

So as we pulled up to the church I was ready. Nervous, but ready. I breathed deeply and reminded myself, "I can do this. I have to!"...and I did. Was it perfect? No. Did I do my job? Yes, and I learned things along the way. Most importantly, I proved to myself that although the nerves will probably always be there, I can do this.

Many many thanks to Chelsea and Richard, as well as both of their families and friends - we had a wonderful day and I couldn't have asked for a better first wedding.


Thankful Thursday: Taking Chances

Some of you may remember from Chelsea and Richard's engagement post that I am shooting their wedding this weekend. So, this Thankful Thursday post is in honor of them. You can't imagine how incredibly grateful I am to have people believe in me and my abilities, and how much I appreciate the opportunity to chase my dreams.

To Chelsea and Richard - I'm honored that you have chosen me to document your big day. I can't wait to see you on Saturday!

To everyone else who has supported me over the past year - I couldn't have done it without you. I will be forever grateful.


Thankful Thursday: It's the little things...

Today has been one of those days...you know how it is, the type of day when all the little things that can go wrong DO in fact, go wrong. So, in an attempt to turn my evening around (in time for Grey's Anatomy), I am posting this Thankful Thursday story to remind myself that life is pretty darn good.

Love is often about the little things...whether it's the small things you love about a person (their laugh, their kind heart, the fact that they never complain about taking the dog out) or the tiny things that drive you crazy (squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube, not putting the toilet paper on the "right" way, or forgetting to make the bed). *By the way, Josh doesn't do any of those last three things...in fact, I'm the guilty party when it comes to all of them!*

The other day Josh was folding some laundry (yes, I know how lucky I am) and when I looked over he was painstakingly folding all of my shirts just the way I like them (I know, I'm weird, but there's really only one good way to fold a shirt! You know what I mean, folded with the sleeves tucked under and the front of the shirt facing up instead of folding it in half...? Ok, maybe I'm the only one...) I smiled and told him how much I appreciated him taking the time to fold them "my way". He looked up and said, "Isn't that what love is?"

Yes. Yes it is. <3>

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Yesterday I was so thankful for the beautiful weather because I got to meet 6 month old (and 1 week!) Willa with the gorgeous brown eyes and her wonderful parents Amie and Jeff. Don't you just love her name?

Miss Willa was a great little model for the camera, and I just adore all of the outfits that Amie brought for the shoot (she told me she got them at Crazy 8 in the Coral Ridge mall if anyone is wondering!). Doesn't every little girl need a cute pink dress and a zebra belt? I think so!

Here is the sneak peek - enjoy!








Sooo big!

I love this one of Amie and Willa & the "I Love Mommy" shirt. Too cute.

And we can't forget about Daddy!! This one was taken during a much needed bottle break - modeling is hard work!

What to Wear: Family Photos

Since it's getting to be the time of year when people start thinking about family photos, I thought I'd put together a few outfits to answer the tricky "what should we wear?" question.

The main idea when picking your clothing is to make sure you put together items that are complementary but not matchy-matchy. Show your personality a little!

I based this first look off of the adorable blush colored sweater that I spotted at Gap Kids for a little girl. From there I just added warm neutrals with a bit of interesting detail.

For this second look, I based the outfits around the little boy's fair isle sweater. It has oatmeal, orange, and light blue in the pattern, so it was easy to pull a few colors out for the mom & dad's outfits.

Love the look of classic black and white but want to spice it up a little? Here are two versions, one with a little girl's outfit and one with a little boy's (I just love the plaid shirt and tie...so cute!!). It's ok to mix patterns, as long as everything is in the same color family.

Whatever you end up wearing for your photos, the clothing should make you feel good as well as look good! My advice is to find one item (a sweater for your little boy, a dress for your little girl) and then base the rest of the outfits around it like I did above. And remember, your outfits should complement each other but not necessarily match (this is key - do you really want another family photo where everyone's in white button downs and khaki pants?).