Elliot [Coralville, IA Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography]

This past Sunday I ventured out in the snow to meet Elliot, a darling little girl who was born on March 4th. She was still a tiny little thing, and SO adorable. Her parents, Holly and Loren have the most amazing style (as you can see in the images below!), and I'm still trying to figure out how to get them to come and decorate my house. :)

Elliot was a perfect model, sleeping nearly the entire session but opening her eyes for a few awake shots too. We mainly focused on lifestyle images for their session, which are my absolute FAVORITE. I left this session with a huge smile on my face, wondering "how did I get so lucky? How is this my life?".

Holly, Loren, Elliot (+ Oscar and Nora too!) - thank you for an incredible session. You guys are amazing and Elliot is such a lucky little girl (not to mention so darn cute!!) to be surrounded by so much love. Thank you for trusting me to photograph such a special time in your lives, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all.

Side note: If you look at these images and admire Holly's hair and makeup, check out Tru Salon in Coralville, which is the salon they own and work at (Holly's makeup was done by the fabulous Kayla for the session). 

I'm pretty sure this is my favorite, though it's nearly impossible to choose! 
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I got the blanket that is wrapped around Elliot from Little Hip Squeaks on Etsy - they are fabulous! 

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This nursery is just gorgeous - I love everything about it.  elliot-88

This is Our Life: Project 52 [Week 6 & 11: Good Morning & Play]

Wow, I have been seriously neglecting my personal "this is our life" project!! I will try to get back on track, but as wedding season approaches I can't make any promises. :)

For week 11, the theme was "play", but this photo also covers week 6, which was "good morning". Two birds with one stone, right?

Our weekend mornings are often spent playing with the puppies, as Clara wakes us up bright and early and is in play mode for 2-3 hours. Her favorite game includes whacking Einstein in the face with any toy she can find, though she also loves playing fetch with the smallest, squeakiest toy she owns.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. This snow is pretty but I'm wondering when spring will actually arrive. I'm craving green grass and beautiful sunsets for some outdoor photo sessions! :)

life project - play

Friday Randomness: On the Farm [Personal]

A couple of weeks ago, one of my 2014 brides Kyle emailed me to share that two baby goats were born on the farm she shares with her fiancé Mike. You see, when I met Kyle and learned that they owned goats, I could hardly contain my excitement. I'm sure you all know by now that I LOVE dogs. But, you may not know that I also LOVE goats. In fact, I've even gone as far as to research whether or not goats are allowed in the North Liberty city limits. (Sadly, they are not.)

Anyways, when Kyle emailed me about the baby goats, we set up a time that I could stop by and get my fix. So, on a soggy Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago, I pulled on my rainboots and headed out to meet the new babies.

Not only did I get to meet the goats (and a multitude of sheep) but I even got to hold little Cocoa the goat, who is being bottle fed. It was so sweet, he even fell asleep in my arms!! Here are some photos Josh took on the farm, and I snuck a few in of Duke (a beautiful boxer!) as well. I'm so framing one of these for my office.

Happy Friday!


I'm pretty sure Cocoa is smiling in the pic on the left... goats-8
