Kathryn & Brian [Iowa City, IA Engagement]

The instant Kathryn and Brian arrived at their engagement session, I knew it was going to be amazing. Not only are they incredibly nice, genuine people - they are gorgeous and totally in love, so how could it go wrong? The location Kathryn chose didn't disappoint either, the light was just beautiful and the scenery was equally stunning. (I think I may run out of adjectives soon, ha!)

Kathryn and Brian met one night in Ames, while at the bar with a mutual friend. Kathryn thought he was cute, but was initially enlisted to help their friend find Brian a girl before he deployed (he's in the Army Reserves). That night they danced, talked, and began hanging out quite often that summer. Kathryn wasn't sure she wanted a serious boyfriend, but once Brian left for training in Wisconsin, she decided she wanted more. When she called him to find out if he was still interested in becoming a couple, he told her they'd been dating all summer (despite her thinking the opposite, or maybe just not wanting to admit it!). Brian was deployed overseas for a year, where they kept in contact through emails, letters, and an occasional phone call. I'm sure it was tough for the two of them, I honestly can't imagine! Two months after he returned, he popped the question while they were on a ski trip in Keystone, CO. Seriously, so romantic.

Kathryn and Brian are planning a wedding next June, and I am so thrilled to be a part of their big day. I hope you all enjoy the preview...

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Above photo taken by Josh

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Above photo taken by Josh

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Above photo taken by Josh

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This has to be one of my favorites, although it's difficult to choose! They look so happy and in love, it just radiates out of the photo.
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Ahhh! I love.
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